What are the causes of blocked vas deferens in men

 Congenital malformation: The common malformation is the absence or atresia of one or both sides of the vas deferens. There is also a case of absence of epididymis, and simple absence of epididymis is rare.

  Inflammation: Acute and chronic inflammation of the male reproductive system can cause stenosis or obstruction of the lumen of the sperm delivery channel. Common inflammations include acute and chronic inflammations such as the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal fossa, and prostate. In chronic inflammation, special attention should be paid to specific inflammation caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In addition, you should also be alert to reproductive system inflammation caused by sexually transmitted diseases.

  Trauma: Trauma to the scrotum or perineum can damage the epididymis and vas deferens, causing partial or complete rupture of the lumen, and even the healed scar can affect the passage of sperm.

  Other diseases: There are some uncommon diseases that can also cause vas deferens obstruction, such as huge inguinal hernia, testicular torsion, etc.

  Tumors: mostly benign tumors, such as adenomatous tumors of the epididymis, leiomyomas and cysts, adenomatous tumors of the spermatic cord, lipomas, fibroids and cysts, benign hyperplasia of the prostate, etc. There are also malignant tumors, such as testicular seminoma, embryonal carcinoma, teratocarcinoma, prostate cancer, and penile cancer. Some of the above-mentioned tumors come from the sperm transport channel itself, and some come from the surrounding organs of the sperm transport channel, which can cause blockage and external pressure in the channel lumen, affecting the passage of sperm.

  Through the above introduction, I hope male friends have a clearer understanding and understanding of this. At the same time, I hope that there are male friends with infertility who can be diagnosed and treated in time.