Regular squat exercise can strengthen yang, eat tonic and strengthen yang

1. Squats are good for aphrodisiac

From the perspective of western medicine, exercise can enhance the activation of the nervous organs, muscles, and secretion system   of the whole organism . From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, “kinetic energy generates yang”, people can mobilize the yang energy of the organism when they are in a state of exercise, and when the yang energy is sufficient, men will naturally “vigorously” on the bed. Therefore, if men want to strengthen their yang, they should exercise first, which is absolutely right.

  Experts say that the key to the strength of a man’s sexual function lies in the lower body, especially the waist , abdomen, spine, and lower limbs.

  Squats, waist turns, and splits are all simple and effective exercises.

  Squat is a kind of strength training, which can exercise the muscle strength of the waist, buttocks and thighs well.

  Turning the waist means taking the hip joint as the axis, and the entire upper body makes a large circle movement.

  The splits maximize the stretching of the inner thigh and back muscles.

  In addition to this, you can often do Pilates, yoga and other relaxation and stretching exercises. On the one hand, these exercise methods can enhance the strength of the key muscle groups involved in sexual activities, and on the other hand, they can also improve the coordination and balance of the organism. They are the best sexual and sexual enhancement exercises for men.

  In addition, don’t forget to do the old-fashioned levator ani exercise regularly. It does not require venues, and does not show off singing, dancing, or sex, but the effect is correct. It is the most recommended small aphrodisiac exercise.

 2. Dietary and aphrodisiac recipes

  1. Angelica Mutton Soup

  Ingredients: 1 catty of mutton, 8 qian each of angelica, astragalus, and Codonopsis pilosula, appropriate amount of green onion, ginger, and cooking wine.

  Preparation method: Wash all the ingredients and put them in a pot, add appropriate amount of water, boil with strong fire, change to simmer for two hours, add salt to taste and eat.

  Efficacy: Replenishing qi and invigorating deficiency, invigorating heart qi, and treating blood deficiency. People who are weak after illness, postpartum , and people with blood deficiency can eat it.

  2. Mutton Soup with Cordyceps

  Ingredients: 1 catty of mutton, 5 qian of Chinese caterpillar fungus, 1 tael of Chinese yam, 7 qian of wolfberry, 8 candied dates, and 6 slices of ginger.

  Preparation method: Wash all the ingredients and put them into the pot, add some water, boil for one hour, season with salt and eat.

  Efficacy: Warming and nourishing liver and kidney, benefiting essence and strengthening yang.

  3. Pork loin soup

  Ingredients: Two pairs of pork loin, one or two each of Eucommia and walnut meat.

  Preparation method: Wash all the ingredients and put them into the pot, add appropriate amount of water, boil with strong fire, then change to simmer for two hours, season with salt and eat.

  Efficacy: Tonify the kidney and support yang, strengthen the waist and replenish qi.

  Indications: Low back pain , fatigue, chills, cold limbs, frequent urination, blurred vision, impotence, and nocturnal emission caused by deficiency of kidney qi.