How to deal with male impotence due to kidney deficiency

What to do about kidney deficiency impotence and premature ejaculation ? Many men have such distress. Kidney deficiency impotence and premature ejaculation have brought pain to many men. Many people directly link impotence and premature ejaculation with kidney deficiency. According to experts, there are many reasons for impotence and premature ejaculation, and not all of them are caused by kidney deficiency. If the diagnosis is kidney deficiency, impotence and premature ejaculation, then tonifying the kidney is the most correct way. Learn more about it with the experts below.

What to do about male impotence and premature ejaculation due to kidney deficiency? Experts tell us that the common kidney deficiency referred to in traditional Chinese medicine includes kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency. will lead to decreased immunity. Among them, the most harmful is impotence and premature ejaculation caused by kidney deficiency. How to treat impotence and premature ejaculation caused by kidney deficiency?

  Impotence and premature ejaculation caused by different reasons need symptomatic treatment

What to do about kidney deficiency impotence and premature ejaculation? In fact, kidney deficiency is a term in traditional Chinese medicine, which refers to the deficiency of kidney essence, yin and yang. The deficiency of the kidney that the traditional Chinese medicine refers to commonly has deficiency of kidney-YIN, deficiency of kidney-YANG. will lead to decreased immunity. Among them, the most harmful ones are impotence and premature ejaculation caused by kidney deficiency, incapacity in bed affairs, and even decreased sexual function, decreased sexual interest in men, decreased libido, impotence or impotence.

The treatment of kidney deficiency can be said to be an eternal topic. Because whether kidney deficiency has a great relationship with sexual function, it has been a research topic for many doctors since ancient times. Many medicines are purely aphrodisiac medicines . The function is obviously enhanced, but the most important thing for tonifying the kidney is dialectical treatment. Blindly using strong medicine to promote the production of Yang Qi can only be the end of the battle, overdrawing the physical strength and causing great damage to the body.

  •   After research, experts have a correct answer to what to do about impotence and premature ejaculation due to kidney deficiency, and have innovated a biological five-element balance therapy, which combines acupuncture and moxibustion, appropriate and reasonable exercise, and dietary rationing while drawing on the essence of traditional medicine. The treatment varies from person to person, and is treated according to the disease. The three steps of rational drug use, supplementation and recuperation are carried out simultaneously to effectively treat kidney deficiency.