semen abnormal sperm infertility

 There are many people who don’t know when they already have abnormal semen and sperm infertility , which is very problematic. Generally speaking, the symptoms of abnormal sperm infertility in semen and sperm can be seen in daily life. But because most men are relatively careless, they seldom pay attention to these.

  As more and more people suffer from abnormal semen sperm infertility, more and more people will ask this question. So, in general, what are the symptoms of abnormal semen and sperm infertility, and how can we judge it?

  1. Anti-sperm antibodies and male infertility The main immunological factor causing male infertility is anti-sperm antibodies. Studies have shown that about 5-9% of infertile men have anti-sperm antibodies in their bodies. Sperm is antigenic to adult males, which is also one of the symptoms of abnormal sperm infertility.

  2. Oligospermia and male infertility Oligospermia means that the number of sperm in the semen is lower than that of normal, healthy and fertile men. In recent years, the quality of human sperm has shown a downward trend due to the influence of the environment, the pollution of estrogen poisons and other factors.

  3. Sperm count and male infertility At present, to determine whether a man is fertile, many laboratories use the guidelines established by the WHO 50 years ago.

  It stipulates that a “normal” sperm sample should contain at least 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen, and at least 50% of the sperm are motile, which is also one of the symptoms of abnormal sperm infertility in semen.

Infertility expert: Generally speaking, the symptoms of abnormal semen and sperm infertility are the above. But everyone can rest assured that according to the current medical level, abnormal semen and sperm infertility can be treated, so everyone should not be disheartened and feel inferior because of infertility, because it is completely unnecessary of.