What are the inspection methods for dead sperm

 Dead sperm refers to the fact that the sperm morphology is normal and the density is within the normal range in multiple semen examinations, but most of the sperm are dead, which is one of the important factors of male infertility The clinical manifestations of dead sperm are quite inconsistent. Some patients have no clinical symptoms; some patients may have a history of chronic prostatitis , orchitis, seminal vesiculitis, etc.; some patients may have nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation or low libido.

  The methods of checking for dead sperm are as follows:

  1. Medical history and physical examination: related factors can be obtained, such as reproductive system infection, alcoholism, high temperature work, etc. Generally, there are no specific signs, and it is secondary to patients with inflammatory diseases such as prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, and orchitis.

  Second, semen examination: the result of semen examination is the basis for the diagnosis of azoospermia . Generally, 2 semen samples are collected after 2-3 days of abstinence. The amount of semen is also important (normal > 1.5mL). In clinical examination, the main reason for low semen volume is incomplete semen collection. Therefore, it is routinely required to collect 2 samples.

  3. Endocrine examination: For patients with azoospermia, serum FSH and T examination should be performed first. If the two values ​​are normal, no further endocrine examination is required. If the value of T is lower than the normal level, LH and prolactin should be checked. At present, some scholars believe that inhibin B is produced by Sertoli cells and can more directly reflect the spermatogenic function of testis than FSH. Therefore, inhibin B should also be routinely checked for male infertility patients.

  4. Laboratory examination: including: semen microscopic examination; semen routine examination and prostatic fluid examination; semen microbiology examination; blood semen and seminal plasma antisperm antibody examination; semen biochemical analysis, etc.

  Five, testicular biopsy: There are two main methods of testicular biopsy: scrotal incision biopsy and needle biopsy. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The former damages the testis more, but can obtain a larger amount of tissue, which is conducive to making a correct pathological diagnosis; the latter is easy to operate and causes less damage to the testis, but the obtained tissue is less, which may affect the Diagnosis Some researchers found that among patients who underwent bilateral testicular biopsy, 28% of patients had discordant testicular examination results. Therefore, when conditions permit, testicular biopsy should be sampled bilaterally as much as possible to avoid errors.

  Reminder: There are many reasons for dead sperm, such as orchitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, chronic spermary inflammation, varicocele, autoimmune oligospermia, reproductive infection, inflammation of sexual reproductive organs, Prolonged abstinence, etc., are the causes of dead sperm in men. Experts said that due to the different causes and constitutions of each person, the causes of dead sperm are also different, so it is very important to go to a regular infertility hospital for examination!