What to eat for men with infertility

 What to eat for infertility ?

  1. Two whip ointment

  Composition: appropriate amount of ox penis, sheep penis, and pig marrow.

  Production method: Wash and boil until rotten, add condiments, and boil into a paste.

  Dosage: 1 spoon per serving, 3 times a day…

  Indications: Suitable for azoospermia caused by kidney deficiency .

 2. Barley red bean porridge

  Composition: coix seed 60g, red bean 60g, japonica rice 250g.

  Production method: Boil the above items into porridge.

  Dosage: Take it once a day for breakfast.

  Indications: Suitable for azoospermia caused by blood stasis.

 3. Rice porridge oil

  Composition: Moderate amount of japonica rice.

  Production method: Add water to cook the porridge. When the porridge pot rolls into foam and becomes thick and slippery like paste, it will be rice porridge oil when filled.

  Dosage: Take 1 bowl every morning.

  Indications: Suitable for azoospermia caused by kidney deficiency.

  4. Finch eggs

  Composition: 30 finch eggs.

  Production method: Wash the bird eggs, add water to cook, and remove the shells.

  Dosage: 1 tablet each time, 3 times a day.

  Indications: Suitable for azoospermia caused by kidney deficiency.

 5. Mutton porridge

  Composition: Mutton (chopped) 100g, japonica rice 150g.

  Production method: add water and cook together, boil until soft and then eat.

  Dosage: 50g per serving, 3 times a day.

  Indications: Suitable for azoospermia caused by kidney yang deficiency.


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